DV Jammer
The DV Jammer is a line holding device suitable for the extremely high loads of the high-tech
Dyneema lines as well as exceptional holding power on polyester ropes. Six models, for lines
ranging from 8 to 18 mm diameter, are available. This covers a wide range of boats up to
around 100 ft in length. DV Jammer sizes 8 and 10 have the same mounting pattern,
similarly sizes 12 – 14 and sizes 16 – 18.
DV – Double V-grip
The DV-grip is a locking system based on two opposing V shaped wedges, the result
is a 4 sides grip which provides additional benefits over traditional 2-sided grip line
stoppers: – Less line wear – Higher holding power – Smaller sizes and lower weight.
DV is a patent pending product by Antal srl, Padova, Italy.
Test results and max load
Test values were obtained on Dyneema lines with different covers: – Dyneema with
polyester cover – Dyneema with mixed Kevlar-polyester cover Results shown in the
lower graph correspond to the failure of the cover and the resulting core slippage.
Dyneema line with a Kevlar-Polyester cover provides much better test results than
the Dyneema line with a Polyester cover which performed poorly, with results even
below the simple polyester line (polyester cover and core).
Appropriate safety margins must be considered for the max loads. The suggested maximum
load limit is the limit of the line. Above values for max loads are not valid for Dyneema lines
with a polyester cover or for polyester lines with a lower breaking load value than the
recommended maximum load value. Tests with polyester lines (polyester core and cover) show
that the limits is the breaking load of the line itself, with values close to our max loads.
Showing all 9 results